A Day in the life of a Skate Camper:

6:45-8:00: Rise ‘N’ Shine - Counselors in each cabin wake you up to your favorite tunes. Your counselor will announce the daily activities and weather so you’re up to speed on everything that’s happening! Go grab breakfast with you cabin, and get dressed for the day!

8:00-8:15: Depart For Daily Skate Trip - Load-up in the camp vans and head out for a skate trip!

9:00-3:00: Shred Party! Skate all day with your coaches. cruise around Oregon and Washington at the best skate parks in the Northwest. Learn more in just one week of camp than a whole year on your own!

3:30pm: Back On Campus to Change, Shower, Hydrate - BOB, Concrete Jungle, and Camp Store Open and stay open until 9:15.

4:30: All Camp Meeting - Meet up with your counselor at the Concrete Jungle™ for the 4:30 meeting. Afternoon Activities begin!

5:30-7:00: DINNER! Refuel those batteries with a delicious home cooked meal each night.

7:30: All Camp Meeting (again) - Meet up with your counselor at the Concrete Jungle™ for the 7:30 meeting. Evening Activities begin.

9:15: Activities End - Wind it down.

9:30: Curfew Time - Nobody’s allowed out after dark. You have heard the legend of the Manimal, haven’t you?

9:30 –10:15: Kick It With Your Counselors & Roommates - Hang out in the cabin with your crew, brush teeth, shower if you haven’t yet, and/or go to the occasional bonfire with your cabin.

10:30: Lights Out. - Phones down. Heads down. The fun starts again in 9 hours! (GROM lights out is at 9:45).